Saturday, 28 February 2015

random thoughts #2: night edition

Saturday, February 28th 2015

i thought what we had was special.
i really miss those days when i woke up at 3 am everyday just to talked to you.
i miss those days when you used to called me.
i miss your voice.
and maybe,
tonight will be the first night i cry over you.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

random thoughts #1: afternoon edition

tiba-tiba aja aku kepikiran sama obrolanku dengan salah satu teman laki-laki yang aku kenal dari sebuah situs anonimus, yang sebenarnya aku tak menyangka akan sedekat ini dengannya.

setelah berkenalan kira-kira 2 minggu, aku tahu bahwa kita berada dalam keadaan yang sama, senasib.
aku dan dia sama-sama sedang berjuang melupakan seorang yang pernah menjadi bagian hidup,
yang tanpa sebab orang tersebut pergi karena hilangnya rasa yang pernah ada.

and then we shared things.
no, i shared things.

ya, karena aku telah sangat lelah memendam segala sakit hati sendirian, akhirnya aku beranikan diri bercerita padanya.

i told him my past,
my dark past in the hardest age ever a.k.a. teen age
dan responnya sangat sangat diluar dugaanku.

     Aku: "so back then i used to hurt myself because i loved to hide feelings.
kamu tahu bukan, terlalu sering memendam masalah berakibat sangat buruk?"

     Dia: "[my name]. aku nggak suka kamu seperti itu."

     Aku: "well, i stopped that for months, actually. i would rather write than hurting myself."

     Dia: "jadi sekarang udah nggak kan? don't do that ever again, please? stop it. ada aku kok. udah ya."

membaca pesan yang dia kirim terakhir membuat mataku basah karena air mata.
yep, i'm crying.
aku menangis bahagia karena belum pernah ada orang (especially stranger) yang begitu peduli terhadapku.

ternyata masih ada orang yang peduli kepadaku.
i thought nobody cares about me.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

My Feelings' Rant

i was reading the threads on and someone told a story about his love life.
he said there's one sentence that got him thinking.
and the sentence was

presence beats everything

and that sentence was exactly happened to me last night.
i had a fucking mood swing and all i wanted was crying out loud but i didn't know what i cried to. 
i hate everyone, plus he replied my text very slow. he said he had headache.
i should forgive but you know, mood swing.
last night,
all i wanted was him. only him.

and finally he replied.

im having a bad headache right now. 

instead of cheering him up, i replied:

i just wanted to cry all night.

and he said he wanted to call me.
i didn't expect that.
but yeah,
he called me.
we talked for 7 minutes and 31 seconds.
after he hanged up because he was sleepy,
suddenly all my pains were blown away.

its true.
presence beats everything

Saturday, 21 February 2015

For someone out there

i don't know what should i write but somehow i want to write something about you, literally us.
after long search of 'replacement' the old stranger who dumped me for no reason,
i found you.
i just fell in love with how you write, because we can't see each other profile pictures, even names.
once, i read someone post this sentence on

the way you write shows us a glimpse of your personality

well, how you write are different than other strangers that had been chatted with me before you.
and just that,
i became one of your friend, i guess?

the more time i spent for talking to you,
the more i fell in love.
no. not fell in love.
interested, actually.
i have been avoiding to got attached to you
but the more i tried to avoid,
the more i got attached.
so i let that flow, and enjoy that.

but i know you just broke up with your ex.
she dumped you.
i know you're madly, deeply in love with her.
but she didn't feel the same way again.
her feelings towards you are just blown away.

pfft. i know that feeling. that was my entire love life about.
i know how you feel. i know exactly how you feel.
so, there. i helped you to move on.

your ex told you that you have to go find someone else.
(i hope that wasnt sarcasm, tho)
there, i tried so hard to be her replacement, for giving attention, to make you feel like the break up didn't happen.

why i try so hard?
because i'm afraid.
i'm afraid i will lose you.
i'm afraid of losing someone once i close with.

so please,

Monday, 16 February 2015

For someone that i know for a week and still counting.

if only the previous stranger didn't dump me for no reason, there's no chance that i will meet you.

we meet randomly on Secret, and that's ridiculous yet creepy because, internet, duh.
turns out, you're very nice, sweet, and you got almost all of boyfriend material.

you show me that you care for me,
and im flattered.

i know you had a girlfriend when we accidently met
but that doesnt stop me for knowing you, dear stranger.

and all of sudden you broke up with your girlfriend.
i dont know i should be happy or sad.

well you comfort me with your ways,
that reminds me of someone whom i loved very damn much back then.

you know,
i fell in love with your words, and how you write
because how you write shows me a glimps of yourself.

i fell for your words,
but i don't want to fell in love easily
because love is dangerous, blind, and murderous.

thank you for the 1 week and still counting,
i hope we can meet someday
thanks for being such a gentleman
thanks for being there for me while no one else didnt.

we meet for a reason
either you're a lesson or a blessing.

i love you,
because you deserve to be loved,

A Flash Fiction #1

aku berdiri di sini
melawan angin malam yang berhembus.
dingin, memang.
apalagi badanku hanya berlapiskan sehelai baju rumah sakit.
aku tak peduli
dinginnya angin tak sebanding dengan rasa sakitku.
dinginnya angin seakan memaksaku untuk terus berjalan ke tepi atap
dinginnya angin seakan memberiku semangat untuk terjun.
orang-orang di bawah tampak seperti semut,
dan aspal itu seakan menggodaku untuk menjatuhkan diriku.

Tuhan, maafkan aku.
Ibu, Ayah, Adik, maafkan aku telah menyita sebagian waktumu untuk menjagaku.
Maafkan aku, orang-orang yang pernah kubuat kesal.

Aku pejamkan mata,
dan seiring angin malam berhembus,
ku jatuhkan diriku.

Aku buka mataku perlahan,
aspal itu semakin semangat menggodaku untuk lebih cepat merebahkan diriku di atasnya.

Atau mungkin seharusnya aku tidak melompat.

Ah sudah terlambat.
Tuhan, maafkan aku.

semakin dekat
semakin deka
semakin dek
semakin de
semakin d